Pun Of The Day
With her marriage she got a new name and a dress.
* I used to eat a lot of natural foods until I learned that most people die of natural causes.
Survey time again. Ok, I'm just being nosey, but who cares. Thanks for playing along.
Enjoy the Memorial Day weekend. There will be lots going on; the Indy 500, Coca Cola 600, BBQs, picnics, baseball and all kinds of outdoor fun.
DORMITORY: When you rearrange the letters: DIRTY ROOM
I've never been a reality TV watcher, but this year I became engrossed by American Idol. Actually, by Taylor Hicks, whom I was a fan of from the first audition. His gray hair and odd, but soulful style captured my eyes and ears. I watched the show religiously each week, joined the Official SoulPatrol fan site and called in votes each week.This was the first time I ever called in a vote on any TV show. There was just something about this man I liked. I was thrilled to see him win the competition. Way to go Soul Patrol!
H - How are you?
Little Shape of Horrors
No pleasure philosophy, no sensuality, no place nor power, no material success can for a moment give such inner satisfaction as the sense of living for good purposes, for maintenance of integrity, for the preservation of self-approval.- Minot Simons
Psst! Pass This On
Today's survey is chosing between two dare devils acts listed below. Be brave . (snicker)
Today I'm doing an either or questionaire regarding what job you would chose from the list below. It could get tricky.
When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.- Helen Keller
Fit to Be Tied
If you have not often felt the joy of doing a kind act, you have neglected much, and most of all yourself.- A. Neilen
DUBLIN Ireland may be enjoying stellar economic growth and seen as one of the best places in the world to live, but its inhabitants are apparently also the globe's loneliest.
Blessed are the few, the proud, the hardest working women I know; Mothers.
On the road again, just can't wait to get on the road again....sing it Willie!
Yes, it's another poll, this one about animals. Bare(bear) with me. Chose your favorite from the listings below. Thanks.
Time for another quiz. I'll list a country and you tell me what are the first three things that come to mind. Yes, you are part of a grand experiment. Play along. Wink.
A shout out to my friend, and sometime commenter, Corrin in sunny California.
Through Sickness...
Man's greatest actions are performed in minor struggles. Life, misfortune, isolation, abandonment and poverty are battlefields which have their heroes - obscure heroes who are at times greater than illustrious heroes.- Victor Hugo
The Nose Knows
Time for another poll. This one is a pick either or type quiz. As always, this will be a very scientific and psychological study. Yeah right! Pick whichever thing most appeals to you.
I like living. I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly, acutely miserable, racked with sorrow, but through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing.- Agatha Christie
My sister-in-law runs a home day care. This morning she had a doctors appointment and asked me to fill in watching her charges while she was away. It has been a long time since I spent time with very young children. I thoroughly enjoyed my time with the 2 and 4 year old little girls. We pretended to go to the park and have a picnic and read stories and played dress up. Their young faces are so sweet and full of life. They made me feel young again. I'm still smiling thinking about the clever imaginations and bright spirits. Thanks for letting me babysit.
It's that time again, the official mushrooming season. Here in Iowa we have an annual tradition of hunting for wild morel mushrooms in the Spring. These natural fungi treats are highly sought after. Restaurants have been known to pay up to $50 a pund for these delicacies. Only a few mid-western states produce these wonderful mushroms.
Coffee, Tea? Let's See
Nothing is ever lost by courtesy. It is the cheapest of pleasures, costs nothing, and conveys much.- Erastus Wiman
My son is coming home today. I'm so excited to see my first born's face and hug the stuffing out of him. We have lots to catch up on and I'm sure we'll share a lot of laughs and tears. Family has always been the most important thing in my life and I've missed playing Mom since my children grew up and flew the coop.