Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Question/Survey Of The Day

Do you like to fish? Where do you like to fish; a secret pond, the lake, the river or the ocean? What type of fish do you go after? Do you have a secret bait that never fails? Got a whopper of a fish story?

I think I'm beginning to get a case of Spring fever. It's supposed to be 53 degrees today and up to 61 degrees tomorrow. It's making me think about geting outside and doing some fishing. When I was a girl the family would go fishing at a nearby lake or pond. I loved sitting on the bank on a warm day, casting out my line and hoping to get a bite. I even baited my own hook with a big ol night crawler. I caught lots of little sunfish and blue gill. Cat fish and Bull heads scared me with their barbed whiskers.

During my married years my husband wasn't a fisherman, so I got back into it after the divorce. I still enjoy it very much. A nice day, a good fishing buddy, a cooler of beer, a lawn chair and a stringer of fish. Who could ask for more? Maybe a yummy fish fry after a hard days work. Smile.....

Pun Of The Day

The whistling fisherman was always out of tuna.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Question/Survey Of The Day

Do you have a favorite T-shirt you like to wear? What color and style (crew,v-neck,tank) is it? Does it have anything printed on it?

My favorite is a white tank style shirt with a New Orleans Bourbon Street scence printed on it. I bought it in a shop when I vacationed there about 8 years ago. Glad that thing was well made. It's seen alot of wear.I like to layer it under another shirt in cool weather and wear it with shorts in warm weather.

Pun Of The Day

The manufacturing of t-shirts has really cotton.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Question/Survey Of The Day

Do you like NASCAR? Who are your favorite drivers?

I love Nascar. It's a pure American sport. There are a lot of young guns emerging, but I still like some of the old guard. I always root for #6 Mark Martin. This is supposed to be his last yearand it will be interesting to see how it plays out. His sponsor used to be Viagra (wink),now he's on board with AAA.
I also like Dale Jr. #8, but he doesn't seem to have quite the same pizazz Dale Sr. #3 had. I despise Jeff Gordon #24. His whiney, superior personality makes me want to smack him. When he crashes and burns I smile. Tony Stewart #20 is kind of a hot head, but always exciting to watch his bumping and grinding on the track.
I'll be in my easy chair watching them go around the two mile track at the California Speedway this afternoon. Gentlemen, Start your engines! VROOOM....

Pun Of The Day

Race care drivers with laryingitus have lots of hoarse power.

Faded Love

Show Me Love
Does love really fade as the years go by?
That depends, says the International Journal of Aging and Human Development.
Researchers from Arizona State University found that people's feelings of commitment, intimacy and passion remain fairly constant as they age.
But they also found that people's demonstrations of commitment, intimacy and passion decline dramatically with age.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Question/Survey Of The Day

Let's play the either or game today. Which of the following appeals to you most?

book or magazine
pie or cake
singing or dancing
walking or biking
smelling or tasting
plants or animals
chocolate or vanilla
paper or plastic
teddy bear or doll
sun or moon
sky diving or car racing
pudding or jello
apple or orange
sunset or sunrise
eagle or dove
zipper or button

My answers: book,pie,singing,walking, smelling,animals,vanilla,plastic,teddy bear,moon,sky diving,pudding,orange,sunset,eagle,zipper.

Pun Of The Day

People who like gold paint have a gilt complex.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Question/Survey Of The Day

Are you a procrastinator? What kind of things do you put off the most?

I'm guilty of procrastination. I tend to put off big projects. I'll start them, but if I see that's they will take a long time to complete I put them on the back burner. A good example of mine is this jig saw puzzle I got as a Christmas gift. I started it right away, made the frame, sorted colors and it's been siting on the table ever since. I usually like doing them, and this one is not that difficult, but none the less there it sits unfinished. I put off doing the laundry, because I hate packing everything up and going to the laundro-mat. I manage to get it done once a week. The worst thing I'm avoiding is job hunting. Nothing appeals to me and the process of applying ,interviewing, waiting and actually getting hired seems to take so long. Part of it may be fear of failure.
I keep telling myself I'll get serious about it soon. At least I know I'm not the only one who does this.

Pun Of The Day

His qualifications as a math teacher didn't add up.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Question/Survey Of The Day

I think most of us have a pet peeve about annoying drivers. What bugs you the most?

I'm most annoyed by the idiots on their cell phones, not paying attention to what's going on. The speed demon that zips in and out of traffic lanes is an accident waiting to happen. Even the slow granny with her turn signal on for ten miles doesn't bother me as much as those other two.

PunOf The Day

Applying mascara in a car can cause whipped lashes.


Tasty Treats
Ever notice that food tastes different when it's hot. That's because heat brings out more of the aroma, and our sense of taste relies a lot on how things smell.
But, according to the February 2000 issue of the journal Nature, it's also because heat can stimulate taste buds, so that they send a signal back to the brain.
For example, if you put something warm on the front edge of your tongue, you'll get a sensation of sweetness. That's because the nerves that are being stimulated only know how to send one message to the brain: the sensation of sweetness.
The brain can't tell if the nerves were stimulated by a chemical, like sugar, or something else, like heat.
Cold temperatures, by the way, usually cause a sour or salty taste.
My only comment: Icecream sure doesn't taste salty or sour to me. It's a velvety sweet treat. Mmm.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Question/Survey Of The Day

Who is your all time favorite Olympic gold medal winner?

My favorite is Bruce Jenner, 1976 Decathalon winner. I collect Wheaties cereal boxes with important sports figures on them. My oldest and dearest box is the one with Bruce on it. It was never opened and still has the cereal in it. Should I post it on E-Bay ? It's an antique. :o)

Pun Of The Day

When a boxer spars in winter, he may be knocked out cold.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Question/Survey Of The Day

Have you seen the movie Brokeback Mountain? What did you think of it?

I haven't seen it yet. It's playing at our theater now, so I think I'll go check it out. Itsounds like a good love story. What's with all the hoop la about gay cowboys? Back in the sixties there was this little flick called Midnight Cowboys with Dustin Hoffman and John Voight.. It strikes me as about the same thing except they were urban gay cowboys. Didn't it win an Oscar? I hope Brokeback Mountain will pick up one too. Meet me in the balcony and bring the pop corn.

Pun Of The Day

Horses in the movies only have bit parts.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Question/Survey Of The Day

Do you have any pets?

I can't have pets where I am at right now. In the past I had dogs and cats, a few gold fish and one Guinnea pig, named Buddy. The dogs were, Yondo, Frito, Mistletoe and Duke. The cats were KC and Leo. I miss having my lil buddies. They were good company and became part of the family. We had so many dogs growing up I can't remember all of their names. My favorite was this Basset Hound named Spookie. She slept in my room most of my teenage years. I was a farmgirl. We had horses, cows, pigs and sheep too.

Pun Of The Day

Pure breed dogs are bona fido.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Question/Survey Of The Day

Do you do any arts and crafts? What are they?

I get in the artsy mood once in a while. I paint wood crafts, draw homescapes, and doodle alot. I used to paint ceramics and cross stitch. Haven't done either of those for years. I'd like to learn to make pottery. Maybe I'll take a class some day.

Pun Of The Day

Some people make large pottery items to urn a living.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Question/Survey Of The Day

What's the temperature where you are right now?

It's minus( -6 ) degrees , with a wind chill factor making it feel like minus (-25 ). All I can say is Brrrr.... A great day to snuggle up and play indoor games.

Pun Of The Day

They had a two-door car and a Tudor house.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Question/Survey Of The day

Have you been watching the Olympic Games? Have they lost their luster?

I watched the opening ceremony, which was kind of different. A little too artsy and modern for my taste. The first few days I watched some down hill skiing, pairs skating , luge and snow boarding. If it weren't for our snow boarders we'd have hardly any medals. Even the spectators don't seem too enthused and many arenas are nearly empty.

Pun Of The Day

A new Olympic event for men who are thin on top is called the Balderdash.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Question/Survey Of The day

What's the weather like where you are today?

It's cold, windy and we are having a mix of rain and sleet here in SE Iowa. Don't you just love Winter? I think it's a good day to snuggle up on the couch and watch movies. I'm thankful I don't have to go out in this mess. Those poor commuters.

Pun Of The Day

A gymnast was always bending over backwards for people.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Question/Survey Of The Day

What day is trash day at your house?

The trash guys pick mine up early Wednesday morning. The noise from their big truck woke me up at 6:30 today. I put my bag out Tuesday night for collection.

Pun Of The Day

There was a cook that had mushroom for improvement.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Quote For Valentines

There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved. - George Sand

Question/Survey Of The Day

Do you know the definition of Cupidity?

I thought it was the act of shooting love darts at someone on Valentines Day. It really means greed. Hmm, something to think about while we wait for our chocolates,flowers, candle lit dinners and cards.

Pun Of The Day

The poet had written better poems, but he'd also written verse.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Question/Survey Of The Day

Tomorrow is Valentines Day and we'll have to be sweet and caring, but today we get to be grumpy. Name three of your pet peeves.

I have more than three, but I'll not get carried away today. What bugs me the most are(1.) Crazy Drivers, the tail-gater, the no turn signal, the lane switcher, the super slow poke and the careless speeder. (2.) Telemarketers, credit card counselors, donations wanted people and the TV dish sales people. (3.) My computer stalling or freezing up right when I'm in the middle of something. Grrr!

Pun Of The Day

Ducks have quack ups but geese always honk.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Question/Survey Of The Day

What was the last pleasant surprise you received?

Mine happened just last night. It was after 10 P.M. and I got a call from my son, who is in the Navy. He said,"Hey, Mom you have any coffee?" My reply was,"You know me, I always have coffee." Then he preceeds to tell me he'll be over in a couple minutes. I thought for sure he was joking around, but sure enough he appears at my door a couple of minutes later.
What a nice surprise, indeed. I hadn't seen him since last Summer.We hugged and talked into the wee hours.

Pun Of The Day

Giving praise is when you let off esteem.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Question/Survey Of The Day

Are you a star-gazer? What is your favorite constellation?

I love looking at the night sky. The moon, in all of it's phases, facinates me. Orion,The Hunter is my favorite constellation. I like how he seems to do a cartwheel in the sky as the hours go by. I was outside looking at the sky last night. The moon was nearly full and the stars shone brightly. It would have been romantic to share that with someone special.

Pun Of The Day

Telescope owners are starry eyed.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Question/Survey Of The Day

If you could get in a time machine and go back or forward, what time period would you chose to visit?

That's tricky choosing just one. I'd probably choose the 1950's. It seemed like a kinder, gentler time, when family and morals were important. Maybe I watched too many episodes of Happy Days.
I'd also like to travel back to ancient civilizations, like the Inca's and Aztec's. Those people seemed very mystical, yet very logical.
I don't think I'd visit the future. Somehow, I don't want to know what's to come.

Pun Of The Day

He got angry with the Italian chef and gave him a pizza of his mind.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Question/Survey Of The day

What were your favorite subjects in high school? What were your least favorites?

I liked the reading and writing courses best. American Literature, Creative Writing. I liked Biology and Psychology too.
I hated Chemistry and Algebra.
I guess you can tell what side of my brain functions best.

Pun Of The Day

A psychiatrist on a hike fell into a depression.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Question/Survey Of The Day

Do you like to play games? What are your favorites?

Playing games is one of my favorite things to do when you have a group of people over. My favorites are Trivial Pursuit, Taboo, Balderdash, Cranium, Scatagories and UNO.
When I'm alone I play online games,such as, Cribbage,Canasta, Euchre, Scrabble and Solitaire.

Pun Of The Day

Don't kiss birds or you may get an untweetable canarial disease.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Condom Commercials

Nike Condoms: Just do it. Toyota Condoms: Oh what a feeling. Diet Pepsi Condoms: You got the right one, baby. Pringles Condoms: Once you pop, you can't stop. Mentos Condoms: The freshmaker Flintstones Vitamins Condom Pack: Ten millon strong and growing. Secret Condoms: Strong enough for a man, but Ph balanced for a woman. Macintosh Condoms: It does more, it costs less, its that simple. Ford Condoms: The best never rest. Chevy Condoms: Like a rock. Dial Condoms: Aren't you glad you use it? Don't you wish everybody did? New York Lotto Condoms: Cause hey-- you never know. California Lotto Condoms: Who's next? Avis Condoms: Trying harder than ever. KFC Condoms: Finger-Licking Good. Coca Cola Condoms: Always a Real Thing. Lays Condoms: Betcha can't have just one. Cambells Soup Condoms: Mm, mm good. The Carl's Jr. Condom: If it doesn't get all over the place, it doesn't belong in your face... General Electric: We bring good things to life! AT&T condom: "Reach out and touch someone." Bounty: The quicker picker upper. Microsoft: where do you want to go today ? Energizer: It keeps going and going and going.... M&M condom: "It melts in your mouth, not in your hands!" Chevron: use them? people do. Taco Bell: get some; make a run for the border MCI: for friends and family Double Mint:Double your pleasure, double your fun! The Sears latex condom: One coat is good for the entire winter Delta Airlines travel pack: Delta's ready when you are United Airlines travel pack: Fly United The Star Trek Condom: To Boldly Go Where No Man Has Gone Before

Question/Survey Of the Day

Who's music do you listen to the most often?

I find my self listening to John Hiatt the most. He's an excellent song writer and has a cool bluesy sound. Some of his ballads I can listen to over and over with out them ever becoming old.

Pun Of The Day

Some men view marriage as a matter of wife and debt.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Question/Survey Of The Day

What did you think of Super Bowl XL ?

I thought it was pretty blah. The game was slow, the refs made crappy calls, the Stones are getting old, and even the commercials were kind of lame. Oh well, there is always next year.

Pun Of The Day

The vocalist broke into song because he couldn't find the key.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Question/Survey Of The Day

Do you have a cell phone? How long have you had it? Who is your provider?

I have a cell phone, only because my son bought one for me last year. He thought it was about time I jumped into the modern age. I kept saying, I made it this long through life without one. I have to admit it is handy and nice to have when I'm out and about. How come they don't hold a charge very long? Mine is a pay as you go Trac Fone. I think US Cellular is the provider. It works for me, as I don't use tons of minutes.

Pun Of The Day

A nun had a bad habit she couldn't overcome.

Corrin, A penny for your thoughts. ;o)

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Question/Survey Of The Day

I am recording statistics to day. Want to help my study? Thank you. Please answer the following:
Marital status-
Hair color-
Eye color-
Political Affiliation-

My stats: single/divorced, 45, golden reddish brown, dark blue, 5'9", Methodist, Iowa, Republican.

Pun Of The Day

When William joined the Army he disliked the phrase, "Fire at will".

Friday, February 03, 2006

Question/Survey Of The Day

What is your favorite holiday?

My favorites are Halloween and St.Patricks day. They are more festive and fun, and a lot less stressful than others. They provide a good excuse to dress up in colorful costumes, drink and be silly.

Valentines Day is fast approaching. I think it depresses the heck out of single people. I don't get a bouquet of flowers or heart shaped box of chocolates or even a romantic card to show off to anyone.

Pun Of The Day

In the winter,some horses are Friesian.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Question/Suirvey Of The Day

What book are you reading now?

I just finished Life Expectancy by Dean Koontz. I'm ready to start The Book Of Famous Iowans by Douglas Bauer. I'm sure I'll be posting some Iowa trivia and tid bits from the book on this blog.
Happy Reading!

Pun Of The Day

Building high walls on your property may cause a fence.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Happy Birthday

Happy 7th Birthday to my niece, Holly. Gotta love those vivacious, redheads.

Question/Survey Of The Day

Are you going to watch the Super Bowl on Sunday? Who will win and what will the score be?

I'll probably watch it. I think the Steelers will win. 31-24. I hope it's a good game. I'm looking forward to the commercials. They are usually pretty funny. The Rolling Stones half time show ought to be a gas gas gas. :o)

Pun Of The Day

When a clock factory burned down ,there was some second hand smoke.