I've been out sick the last several days with the flu and resperatory infection.
In other words "The Super Crud" that has been going a round.
Friday started with coughing and a soar throat that I let progress until the next day I woke up and could barely talk or move. I didn't feel I had the strength to get dressed and drive to the store for supplies I would need. I broke down and called my brother, who lives down the road and asked if he'd run the errand for me. I told him that I felt really bad having to ask for help but he was happy to help me out with my list that included maxi pads, he only baulked for a second.Scott brought the goods by, free of charge even and chatted a bit before going.
I hunkered down on the couch with my pillows, blanket extra strength Tylenol,OJ, throat spray and Kleenex prepared to do battle against a cold. A couple of nights later I was sure I was gonna die, moaning, shivering, aching, sweating and sinus pressure so great I thought my eyes, ears and teeth were going to explode off my face, but alas I kept waking up every 1/2 hour or so still in pain, even my hair hurt. Oh, did I mention I lost my voice too.
It was the weekend and I could not make myself go to the Emergency Room for this. Monday morning at 8:00 I had called one of the main clinics in town to get an appt.I was barely whispering and the nurse goes I guess I dont have to ask what's wrong, huh?
I go in at 10:40, fill out papers, see a nurse who weighs me, takes my temp and blood pressure and asks routine questions. Then I see the doctor, an Indian man wearing tons of gold jewelry and reading the nurses chart looking me over. Seems like I answered yes to everything he asked. Yes, my head hurt, yes my sinus's hurt, yes my ears ached, yes coughing hurt my chest, yes I knew I had white crud on my tongue..Yes Yes Yes...Stop the Madness!! Just write the script for my meds already.
I know I was only there 10 minutes, but it seemed like eternity. He gives me 4 sample packs of something I take once a day for congestion, writes scripts for E-Miocin antibiotic and cough syrup, tells me the instructions for all, says get better and barely taps me on the shoulder on his way out.
I make my way out to the reception desk, get out my Visa card and charge $90 for the office visit. OMG! $90 for that? No wonder it's been years (6-7) since I've been to a doctor. I shove my coat on and go to my car, that has to warm up 5 minutes in the ZERO degree weather. I try to cuss, but my voice won't work. My fever has gone down a little, the cold air helped something anyway. I drive to the pharmacy and pick up my package. The Doc forgot to call in the cough syrup, I buy cough drops and juice and head home.
It's now two days later and I've finally turned the corner on this. My head is not quite so full of shit and I can move it, my bones aren't screaming in pain, I can eat oatmeal and soup,I can sit at the computer desk for more than 10 minutes with out feeling like I need a nap and the voice is starting to come back, deep and raspy(how sexy)and best of all my sense of humor is returning. Me and God's serious talks/pleadings(take me now) were getting worn thin.
Just in case anyone actually reads my blog I didn't want you to wonder what became of me. The ol' broad was down but not out. I'll see ya. I need a nap, all that typing wore me out.
Labels: what ails ya