Monday, April 10, 2006

Flower Gardening

It's a beautiful day and I'm thinking about flower gardening. Are you into flowers? What do you like, annuals or perennials?

This year I'm limited to container gardening as I don't have a flower bed. I have a patio where I'll put most of the containers with annuals. I like to go with a patriotic theme of colors in my main focal point. I'll use red geraniums, white petunias and blue alysum. The other pots I'll mix things up and use marigolds, verbina, pansies and varigated greenery. I might try a potted cherry tomato and a pepper plant with some salad greens for filler. I have to wait a week or so to make sure the frost period is over before I get started. It should be fun. Happy planting!


At 9:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's been raining, raining, raining, raining. It's like I'm living in Seattle! Ground is soaked and can't work with it yet. I prefer perennials to save replanting all the time. But I also sort lean towards my cousin's perspective: if you're going to plant something, make it productive (i.e. tomatoes, beans, squash, etc.)


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