Halloween Humor V

What is a vampire's favorite ice cream flavor?
Why is a haunted handkerchief so scary?
Because it has boogers...
What did the three vampires order at the bar?
Two bloods and a blood light...
How did the priest make holy water?
He took some tap water and boiled the hell out of it...
What do you give a vampire with a cold?
What do you use to mend a jack-o-lantern?
A pumpkin patch...
What kind of shoes do ghosts from Texas wear?
Why did the Cyclops have to close his school?
He only had one pupil...
Why isn't Dracula invited to many Halloween parties?
Because he's a pain in the neck...
Who is a skeleton's favorite emperor?
Napoleon Boneaparte...
Why did the vampires cancel their baseball game?
They couldn't find their bats...
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