Halloween Humor

Why was the skeleton afraid to cross the road?
It had no guts...
How do witches keep their hair in place while flying?
With scare spray...
What did Dracula say when he kissed his vampire girlfriend?
How do monsters tell their future?
They read their horrorscope...
What do you get when you cross a werewolf and a vampire?
A fur coat that fangs around your neck...
Do zombies eat popcorn with their fingers?
No, they eat the fingers separately...
Why don't skeletons ever go out on the town?
Because they don't have any body to go out with...
What do ghosts add to their morning cereal?
What do zombies like to eat at a cook out?
What is a vampire's favorite sport?
What is a vampire's favorite holiday?
Why did the vampire go to the orthodontist?
To improve his bite...
What do you get when you cross a vampire and a snowman?
What does a ghost get when he falls and scrapes his knee?
A boo boo...
Why do witches use brooms to fly on?
Because vacuum cleaners are too heavy...
What is Dracula's favorite kind of coffee?
What would a monster's psychiatrist be called?
What is a baby ghost's favorite game?
What did one ghost say to the other ghost?
"Do you believe in people?"
What do you call someone who puts poison in a person's corn flakes?
A cereal killer...
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