Halloween Humor III

What kind of car does a ghost drive?
A Boo-ick...
What did the mother ghost say to her son?
Don't spook unless you are spooken to...
What do ghosts use to wash their hair?
Why did the ghost pick his nose?
Because he had boogers...
What kind of pants do ghosts wear?
Why wasn't the vampire working?
He was on a coffinbreak...
What do skeletons say before eating?
Bone Appétit...
What does a child monster call his parents?
Mummy and Deady...
Where do fasionable ghosts shop for sheets?
At bootiques...
What ride do spirits like best at the amusement park?
The roller ghoster...
What do you get when you cross a ghost with an owl?
Something that scares people and doesn't give a hoot...
What fairy tale do ghosts like best?
Sleeping booty...
What kind of spirits serve food on a plane?
Airline ghostesses...
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