Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Question/Survey Of The Day

How is your eye sight? Do you wear glasses, contacts, had Lasik surgery or are lucky and have 20/20 vision?

I've worn glasses since the 6th grade. I had trouble seeing the black board in class, so I was diagnosed as near sighted. Much of the time in high school I kept them off and squinted a lot. I didn't want to appear geekier than I already was. I wore them most of the time for driving and watching TV.

I have a hard time imagining messing around with contacts and all of the junk that goes with them. I'd be the person who forgets to take them out or loses them every other day. If I could afford it I'd get the Lasik surgery and be done with it.

Now in my 40's my vision is shifting. I have to take my glasses off to read and work at the computer. I suppose it's time to see the eye doctor and get the bi-focal or progressive lenses.
Here's looking at you kid!


At 4:06 PM , Blogger Cadley Dad said...

Hi Annie,
I can't believe this came up on your blog, Lovely redhead and me have just been discussing the same subject.

LR works as an appointments secretary for 4 eye consultants at local hospital so she knows a bit about what can go wrong.

Do NOT have any form of laser surgery. Apart from it going wrong, in some people it will only last 10 years and can't be performed again, so they have permanently blighted eyesight, there have been lots of cases in UK recently gone wrong.

LR wears disposable contact lenses and has done for 20 years, I myself wear reading glasses occasionally. I couldn't put contacts in my eyes!

Thye right pair of glasses look great on women, it's men who look like geeks.



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