Monday, March 27, 2006

Question/Survey Of The Day

I have been watching the new show, American Inventor. It's realy quite suprising the ideas people come up with.
Have you ever came up with and idea you thought would make a great invention?

The only thing I ever invented that seemed marketable was the Wienie Wire. My family liked to camp and roast weinies. Instead of always having to go find a usable, long stick and sharpen it I came up with something to take along. It consisted of a 3"x 7" x1" piece of wood with a #9 stiff wire inserted in one end. It worked very well. The handle was comfortable and didn't burn your hands and the wire never caught fire. We even got creative and branded our initials in the wood handle to personalize them. If interested send $10.95 plus S&H for a set of four. wink ;o)


At 9:18 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had all kinds of ideas when I was a kid. One of them was taking people who laid around in the sun all day getting tans and putting them in a machine. The machine would extract the tan from them, as well as all the tanning oils, and use it as base stock in a refinery. Throw the people, who are now white as ghosts, back out by the pool and you have a renewable energy source!


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