Buckle Up
Some things are the same the world over, or so it seems.
According to the Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand, researchers at Mahidol University in Bangkok were studying seat belt use among local drivers, and here's what they found:
Fewer than a third of drivers wore seat belts.
Drivers of pick-up trucks were less likely to wear safety restraints than automobile drivers.
Women were more likely to wear seat belts than men.
The most common reasons given for not wearing the belts:
Uncertainty that they actually did any good.
The belief that they weren't needed when traffic was moving so slowly.
I think NJ Governor Corzine wishes he had been wearing his seat belt when he was in an accident over the weekend. He is in critical condition with broken ribs, breast bone and collar bone which damaged his lungs. Sounds like he slammed into the dashboard and smashed himself good. The ironic thing was he was the passanger of an SUV being driven by a state trooper.
Hey Buddy! "Click it or ticket." That is Iowa's seat belt safety slogan.
It has became a habit for me to buckle up when ever I'm in a car. I don't even think about it anymore. Besides saving an $83 ticket, you save a life.
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