Either Or
Time for another poll. Chose the thing that most appeals to you from the list below.
Thanks for playing.
Easter or Halloween
Lemonade or Iced Tea
Rice or Pasta
Super Highway or Country Road
Jigsaw Puzzle or Crossword Puzzle
Cook Book or World Atlas
Mountains or The Ocean
Pumpkins or Watermelons
Car Racing or Horse Racing
Chewing Gum or Breath Mints
Ice Skates or Roller Skates
Monopoly or Scrabble
Africa or South America
My choices:
Halloween, it's more fun with the costumes, tricks and treats.
Lemonade and tea mixed 1/2 & 1/2 is how I like it best.
Pasta, I love all of the different shapes and it goes with so many things.
Country Road, I've always been a country girl, like the peace& quiet.
Crossowrd puzzle, I always liked words, tho jigsaws are fun to do too.
Cook Book, I love food, cooking, reading recipes and getting ideas. Maps are interesting too.
Ocean, I've always had a fondness for the water. I lived in the mountains of Colorado and it was beautiful,but the ocean seems more mysterious and full of life.
Watermelon, such a juicey and sweet summertime treat. Pumpkins are a fall favorite.
Car racing, especially Nascar tho I really love horses and my grandfather raised racing horses.
Chewing gum, chewing lasts longer. Bubble gum is great fun.
Roller skates, at least I can do it, I can't even stand up on ice skates.
Scrabble, again, I love words. I always lost at Monopoly.
South America, I'm facinated by the ancient Indian civilizations and wouldlike to visit someday.
Hi Annie,
let's see what you make of these then!
Easter or Halloween - Easter, Halloween is in the middle of winter over here and it's cold and dark, whereas Easter is in spring.
Lemonade or Iced Tea - Never really has iced tea, but real lemonade is good
Rice or Pasta - Pasta just edges here
Super Highway or Country Road - Country roads as long as I'm not in a hurry
Jigsaw Puzzle or Crossword Puzzle - Crossword, but I don't do either
Cook Book or World Atlas - depends on the cook book - do you have Jamie Oliver and Hugh Fernley-Whittingstal over there?
Mountains or The Ocean - The edge of the ocean where the mountain joins the sea.
Pumpkins or Watermelons - Watermelons as long as someone else cuts them up
Car Racing or Horse Racing - Cars
Chewing Gum or Breath Mints - Chewing gum
Ice Skates or Roller Skates - Ice skates, not sure why, never roller skated really, I have tried ice skating a long long time ago, we took 12 year Old recently to Ice Hockey - it was so violent, but he loved it.
Monopoly or Scrabble - Scrabble
Africa or South America - Africa only because its more possible!
Never heard of either of those cook book authors, I like the old women's clubs books the best,they are full of traditional recipes and proven favorites.
Sounds like we need to have a Scrabble game one of these days. I play a lot of online games at Yahoo.
Just about all of these are a tie. There's something I like, or has an attribute that the other doesn't have, and vice versa, that makes them a tie.
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