Monday, February 26, 2007


Put an X next to each that applies to you and the area with the most checks is your sin.

I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours. (Pride is my biggest sin.)

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[SEVEN DEADY SINS] - Which one are you?

I. pride
[ ] i have a hard time admitting i was wrong
[ ] you can never say anything bad about me
[ ] i hate saying sorry
[ ] i never show emotions
[ ] i tend to blame stuff on other people
[ ] i'm my own best friend
[ ] i'll hurt people fighting for what i believe in
[ ] i'm proud of my background
[ ] i brag

II. envy
[ ] i'm always thinking about what i don't have
[ ] i'm always thinking of ways to change
[ ] i want what my friends have
[ ] i have stolen from a friend
[ ] i often find myself saying "but she has it, why can't i?"
[ ] i think a lot of peoples lives are perfect besides my own
[ ] i know i envy people

III. rage
[ ] i often find myself slaming doors and screaming
[ ] my parents or friends make me so angry!
[ ] i normally end up crying
[ ] people often say my facial expression is angry looking even when i'm not
[ ] people are scared of my temper
[ ] someone wants me to see a anger manager
[ ] you have passionate outburst of anger

IV. sloth
[ ] i'm lazy
[ ] i don't care if others need me to work for them, i won't
[ ] i won't go out of my way to help someone
[ ] i don't think i'll ever have a good job
[ ] i don't have a work ethic, at all
[ ] i expect stuff to be given to me without having to work for it.
[ ] i've been told that i think i'm too good for people

V. greed
[ ] i don't like spending my money on people
[ ] i never have or will give to a charity
[ ] i never give to homeless people on the streets
[ ] i would say i'm more of a taker then i giver
[ ] i always want more then i have
[ ] i only say thank you if someone does something really nice
[ ] my saddness always needs company

VI. gluttony
[ ] i use my friends
[ ] i always have high expatations
[ ] i always want more of something, if i can have one pizza, i want two.
[ ] i think a lot of things are a disappointment
[ ] i use the words "must" "have to" "want" and "need" a lot
[ ] i would say i'm high maintenence
[ ] i can see myself as a princess or king of the house

VII. lust
[ ] i have been called a tease or a slut, not as a joke
[ ] i have plenty of boy toys (or girl toys)
[ ] if i kiss someone, it dosen't mean i want them
[ ] i tend to put people in akward situations
[ ] my favorite color is red
[ ] i like to dangle things in front of people as if to say "you want, but can't have"
[ ] i would rather have lust then true love.


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