Saturday, September 16, 2006

I haven't blogged in a few days. I started a new job and have been working crazy hours. Work is sure cramping my night owl life-style. This getting up at 4:45 AM is for the birds, but the job is going well.

I had a scare when I got home from work today. There was a message on my machine to call the hospital ER. My daughter had fallen off the roof of her house and broke her wrist in two places and had a compression fracture on her L-1 lower lumbar vertabre. I made a few phone calls and made a mad dash to the hospital 65 miles away to see her.

She was in pain, but the doctor didn't think she would need surgery, but will need more X-rays to make sure. She will wear a full torso body cast and a cast on her arm. I imagine lots of physical therapy when she heals. I think she felt better just having her mom near her side and fussing over her.

I guess we should be thankful it wasn't worse, but still it is a bad deal. She won't be able to work for quite a while, doesn't have insurance and had just moved and started a new job the first of August.
My mother would call it character building life lessons that we all go through at points in our lives. I say we are already characters.

And how was your day?


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