Murphy's Law
Line law: If you are standing in a slow moving line and you change to the other line, the line you were standing in suddenly starts to move faster than your current line.
Telephone law: You will never call a busy wrong number.
Grease law: When you start to get your hands greasy fixing something, your nose starts to itch.
Rolling law: When you drop something, it will keep rolling away from you until it reaches a place where you can never extract it.
Excuse law: When you are late to work, you lie and tell your boss that you had a flat tire, the next day you have a real flat tire on the way to work.
Bathtub law: When you get in the water, the phone starts to ring.
Electronics law: When you take a faulty device to the technician to fix, it starts to work perfectly when you get to the technician.
theater law: The ones who booked chairs in the middle always show up late to step on other people's feet.
Coffee law: once you get yourself a hot cup of coffee, your boss comes and assigns you a task that doesn't finish until your coffee gets cold.
Coincidence law: if you are out with someone that you don't want anybody to see you with them, you run into everyone you know.
Installment law: if you have a car that you are paying for on installments, it screws up once you finish paying the installments.
weekend law: you make plans to have outdoors activity on the weekend, when it's finally the weekend, the weather get really bad.
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