Lucky Charms
French author François de la Rochefoucauld wrote over 400 years ago, "Nature creates ability, luck provides you with opportunity."
Ever since the Greeks invented dice in 484 BC, they were connected to the heavens. Indeed, the belief that a throw of the dice was controlled by the gods, was why they were used to divide inheritances, choose rulers and as a way of predicting the future.
To be sure, the Roman goddess, Fortuna, daughter of Zeus (known to gamblers as Lady Luck), was the one who determined the outcome of a throw.
Horseshoes have been used for protection since 959 AD, when the Archbishop of Canterbury, a blacksmith by trade, nailed a horseshoe to the Devil's hoof when the Devil asked him to reshod his horse. This caused the Devil great pain, and Dunstan only agreed to remove the shoe and release the Devil after the Devil promised never to enter a place where a horseshoe is hung over the door.
Four Leaf Clover
According to legend, each leaf of the clover helps attract a specific attribute. The First Leaf will bring hope into your life. The Second Leaf will help bring faith and belief in yourself and others into your life. The Third Leaf will attract Love, and the Fourth Leaf will bring you luck.
The Druids believed that a four-leaf clover would repel demons and bad luck. Today, it is said that four-leaf clovers attract an energy that helps clarify one's judgment.
The Playing Card
Cards have been connected with predicting the future as early as 1487, when a secret order of magicians in Venice found a significance in the numbers and symbols of the cards and how they could foretell future events. These magicians were the Illuminati (a group of people who claim they received this information from God) and as such kept their divination methods very secret.
To be sure, the first known records of the divinatory meanings assigned to Tarot cards did not appear until almost 250 years later!
Specifically, the Club, otherwise known as trefoils, represents: fire, energy, willpower, wealth, work, luck, and happiness. The Ace of Clubs in particular attracts wealth, fame, friends and influential acquaintances.
Lucky Number 7
When people began to analyze and combine numbers, they took the perfect world number 4 and added to it the perfect divine number 3, and got 7, the most sacred number in the Bible.
It symbolized earthly endeavors encouraged by the powers of heaven - the luckiest, most advantageous situation imaginable. This kind of Supreme Luck has and will continue to attract the energy, people, situations and opportunities one needs to multiply their wealth, prosperity and happiness many times over.
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