Friday, October 27, 2006

What Color Is Your Mood

Are you feeling "blue" or in the "pink"? Or perhaps you are looking at life through "rose-colored" glasses, or are even seeing "red"? Color is something we may not consciously think about, but it's all around us, and can have a definite effect on our moods and emotions. Just those phrases I mentioned at the beginning are proof of that. We can be reacting to color without even realizing it.
For example, think about how you feel out in nature in springtime, with the green of the grass and leaves of the trees. In contrast, how do you feel on a gray, overcast day? And that's why I'd like to suggest that you take advantage of the power of colors and make them work for you. You can use color to help you achieve your goals, whether it's to relax, concentrate, energize, or create an upbeat mood.
Here's a short list to help you recognize the emotions and colors associated with them.
Red – passion, activity, excitement; stimulates a faster heartbeat and breathing, energy (but too much can be aggressive or confrontational)
Pink – romantic, peaceful, tenderness, harmony
Orange – confidence, cheerfulness, friendliness
Yellow – aids concentration and memory (which is why the original post-it notes were yellow!), optimism, sociability
Blue – tranquility, contentment, trust; or in cooler shades, depressing or passive
Green – growth, hope, health, renewal
Purple – imagination, creativity, inspiration
So, the next time you need a pick-me-up of some kind, become aware of the colors around you. Adding a color to your surroundings or clothing could be just the trick!


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